Tuesday Movie Night: Rise of the I-Hotel

Thousands joined in the movement and the International Hotel became a rallying point for the communities throughout the country which were being displaced by urban renewal. This is the story of how over 50 mostly elderly Filipino and Chinese tenants fought to keep their home when they were forcibly evicted to make way for commercial development.
Welcome to December! The holidays are coming up so as usual we hold our final public meeting of the year a little earlier in the month before everyone gets busy. Like last year, our December public meeting will be a movie night. We will be watching a short documentary together called The Rise of the International Hotel, a story about urban renewal and struggle in San Francisco.
The documentary is 42 minutes long and we'll follow it up with a group discussion about what we saw. If you're not able to come but don't want to miss the movie, it's freely available on YouTube and you can find it below.
The event is at 6:30pm in the basement of the New Westminster Public Library. The date is this Tuesday December 17.
Drinks, pastries, and other snacks will be available.
See you all there!
Get Involved
Want to join our volunteer, renter-led action team to help? Send us an email at nwtenantsunion@gmail.com and let's make this happen.
Plus, we're always on the lookout for Building Contacts who can support the New West Tenants Union's work by keeping us posted of issues at rental buildings around the city.
Learn more about Building Contacts and what your role could be in organizing for stronger tenants' rights in your building here.