Out of the library basement, with a BBQ!

For our next public meeting, starting at 6pm on Tuesday, Aug. 27, we'll be crawling out of the New Westminster Public Library basement for something a little more fun and celebratory. Join us for a BBQ in Moody Park to celebrate the movement we've made on renter protections against demovictions!
Back in June, we successfully pressured city hall to start reconsidering its tenant relocation policy, which currently only provides a small lump sum payment to tenants who are kicked out of their apartments for redevelopment.
A new policy must mean an equivalent rental unit in the new building at no greater rent than the tenants would have paid in the older building, and we're continuing our push to ensure the policy that comes out is the best it can be.
But for now, we want to celebrate what we did together as tenants to get the city to start this important work.
We'll have hot dogs and veggie dogs, as well as some snacks, but feel free to bring your own food.
As we don't have the ability to book a table in the park, we can't say exactly where we will be, but look for our banner and BBQ in the south corner of the park (scroll down below for a map).
Enjoy some food, chat with your fellow neighbours, celebrate the momentum we've started and prepare for the work yet to come on this campaign! If you can't make it for 6 pm, no worries — we'll be hanging around the park till sunset, so join us when you can.

Get Involved
Want to join our volunteer, renter-led action team to help? Send us an email at nwtenantsunion@gmail.com and let's make this happen.
Plus, we're always on the lookout for Building Contacts who can support the New West Tenants Union's work by keeping us posted of issues at rental buildings around the city.
Learn more about Building Contacts and what your role could be in organizing for stronger tenants' rights in your building here.