October Public Meeting on Tuesday
Hey everybody.
Our October Public Meeting is coming up next Tuesday October 29th at 6:30pm the New West Public Library auditorium (basement).
On the agenda this month is a status update on our organizing efforts in the downtown area around a new Tenant Relocation Plan (in simple terms, the rights renters have if their building is demolished to build a new one) and where we're at with City Hall in terms of lobbying for our specific demands. We'll also be starting a conversation about the future structure of the tenants union as we continue to grow our capacity, which includes new volunteer teams we will be building from members of the community.
Do you live in this region and are concerned about redevelopment removing your affordable housing? Get in touch so we can help inform and organize renters in your building.

Get Involved
Want to join our volunteer, renter-led action team to help? Send us an email at nwtenantsunion@gmail.com and let's make this happen.
Plus, we're always on the lookout for Building Contacts who can support the New West Tenants Union's work by keeping us posted of issues at rental buildings around the city.
Learn more about Building Contacts and what your role could be in organizing for stronger tenants' rights in your building here.