Tenants Rights 101 Workshop in October

In the month of October, the New Westminster Tenants Union will be bringing its Tenants Rights 101 workshop online to help educate renters about their rights and responsibilities as a tenant in the city.
The live presentation and Q&A will cover common threats to tenancy, new protections against eviction put in place by the municipal government, and recent sneaky practices we've seen landlords use to try to evict their tenants and raise rents.
The first, best defense you have as a tenant is knowing your rights. What is allowed, and what is not? And what can you do about it?
We'll be holding two sessions in October: Tuesday October 12th at 7:00 pm, and Saturday October 16th at 2:00 pm. Both days will feature the same information, so you only need to attend the one that best suits your schedule.
The workshop is free and open to all. It will be held over Zoom, so please RSVP below on EventBrite so we can send you the link to join before the event begins.
If you have any questions or concerns, or aren't sure how to use Zoom or EventBrite, please Contact Us so we can help.
In Solidarity,
The New Westminster Tenants Union