Be a voice for tenants on the city's Community Advisory Assembly

The city is looking for tenants to join their Community Advisory Assembly to help shape city policies and projects. The assembly is a pilot project that they're hoping will be a new model for public engagement that's launching in either December or January and is set to run for a year.
The assembly will be larger than typical committees, with 36 members, and it's intended to reflect the population of the city. That means half of the committee will be renters.
The assembly will be a commitment, with three- to four-hour monthly meetings (except July and August), but for anyone concerned: there will be hourly pay for low-income folks or those who have to forego paid work to attend. The city didn't say how much that pay will be or how they'll check whether or not you are low-income and missing work for the meetings. The city will also provide stipends for childcare and other expenses related to attending the meetings.
While most committees have some kind of focus, particularly in specific departments, this assembly will be tackling issues from all departments and will advise city council on its major plans and policies. This is good news because a tenants' perspective in the city isn't limited to how we're housed.
If you're interested in adding your voice to the assembly, the deadline to apply is Oct. 31.
Find more info and the application form on the city's website here.