Learn Talk to Your Neighbors: Public Meeting this Tuesday
Hello Everyone,
As we reach the end of February, we have another Public meeting coming up, as well as a community action event in early March. Read on for more details!
Public Meeting
Our February Public Meeting is scheduled for this Tuesday, February 25th, from 6:30pm to 7:45pm. The meeting is being held in the basement auditorium at the New Westminster Public Library (716 6th Avenue, New Westminster).
Starting this month, we will be providing community training activities as part of our public meetings. This month we will be focusing on learning to talk to your neighbours, and using active listening skills.
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
- Updates on NWTU activities over the last month
- Talk to Your Neighbours Training Part 1: Active Listening
- This training activity allow us to practice active listening skills, which are our first tool in being able to talk to our neighbours about issues in our buildings and communities
- The training will be done in groups of 3. Participants will take turns talking, actively listening, and providing feedback.
- We will provide guidance and ways to practice and improve your active listening skills.
- Community Action: City of New Westminster open house on housing issues
Community Action Opportunity: March 5th 2025 at 6:30pm
The City of New Westminster is holding a series of open houses concerning changes to the Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaws. These changes include the province mandated Transit Oriented Redevelopment areas, and the city's plan to zone for more non-profit run affordable housing. Both of these issues impact renters, and we want to show the city that renters care about these issues and are organized!
We will be attending the open house hosted at Century House (located in Moody Park) on Wednesday March 5th, at 6:30pm. If you would like to join us, send us an email at nwtenantsunion@gmail.com.
You can find more information on the open houses here: https://www.beheardnewwest.ca/ourcityourhomes
Get Involved
Want to join our volunteer, renter-led action team to fight for affordable, safe and stable housing for our community? We want to meet with you! Send us an email at nwtenantsunion@gmail.com or leave a voicemail at 778-358-2680.
We are always on the lookout for Building Contacts who can support the New West Tenants Union's work by keeping us posted of issues at rental buildings around the city.
Learn more about Building Contacts and what your role could be in organizing for stronger tenants' rights in your building here.
Resource of the Month
Information and Referral Line - bc211 (United Way)
Phone: 2-1-1 Website: bc211.ca
bc211 has a comprehensive database of all the community, social, and government programs in British Columbia. They have information on free or low-cost resources for housing, food, mental health support and more. You can dial 2-1-1 (just like 311 or 911) to be connected to a community resource specialist 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They also provide service through email, text, and online chat. For more information, visit their website: https://bc.211.ca/getting-started-with-211/